The following is a list of achievements in Niffelheim. There are 35 available achievements.
List of achievements[]
Icon | Name | Description |
Access Denied! | Hold off an enemy attack | |
Armadillo | Eliminate 3 Bosses in underground caves | |
Ascendant of Ragnar Lodbrok | Reach Asgard in 100 days! | |
Bear Handler | Kill 10 Bears | |
Blacksmith | Craft 100 items in the Forge | |
Build Master | Build a lvl 1 clay Castle, Walls and Towers | |
Conqueror | Destroy an enemy Totem | |
Conung | Reach Asgard at least once! | |
Cowboy | Kill 10 Buffalos | |
Dragon Lord | Activate the Dragon | |
Eagle-Eye | Inflict 2,500 damage with a long-range weapon | |
Engineer | Build a lvl 1 stone Castle, Walls and Towers | |
Faithful Servant | Complete 3 quests of the Priests | |
Friend to the Priests | Complete 10 Quests | |
Gold Digger | Collect 100 Golden Ore | |
Grave Robber | Expose 10 Graves | |
Great Architect | Build all constructions of the highest level in a single Land | |
Handyman! | Upgrade all Workshops to 5 lvl. | |
Healer | Consume 10000 HP | |
Hermit | Survive for 60 days | |
Landowner | Grow 200 Vegetables | |
Legend | Kill 100 enemies with your Dragon | |
Martial Spirit | Kill 300 Skeletons | |
Master Chef | Cook 100 dishes in the Kitchen Workshop | |
Merchant | Trade for 10,000 Gold | |
Mysterious Treasure | Collect 10 Charms | |
Righteous One | Activate 5 Charms | |
Scout | Survive for 20 days | |
Shaman | Use 10 different Potions | |
Spider Lord | Kill 30 Spiders | |
Survivor | Survive for 40 days | |
Sword Master | Kill 1000 Skeletons | |
Warlock | Craft 100 Alchemy items | |
Woodcutter | Cut down 100 Trees | |
Workman | Build a lvl 1 wooden Castle, Walls and Towers |