Niffelheim Wiki
Craftsman's Axe
Craftsman's Axe
Rarity Rare
Type Weapon
Damage 33
Bonus +3% Critical Hit Chance
Stack 1
Durability 150
Buy price 400 Cost
This powerful, heavy axe can easily cut a troll in half. A young troll.
Workshop Forge
Level 4
Components Shepherd's ClubShepherd's Club (1)
Silver IngotSilver Ingot (2)
Rare Weapon ScrollRare Weapon Scroll (1)

Craftsman's Axe is a weapon.


Craftsman's Axe can be crafted in the level 4 Forge.



Craftsman's Axe is used to craft the following items:

Image Name Type Workshop Level Components Amount Crafted
Berserker's Rage Axe Berserker's Rage Axe Weapon Forge 5 Craftsman's AxeCraftsman's Axe (1)
Golden IngotGolden Ingot (2)
Mythical Weapon ScrollMythical Weapon Scroll (1)
Executioner's Axe Executioner's Axe Weapon Forge 5 Craftsman's AxeCraftsman's Axe (1)
Titanium IngotTitanium Ingot (3)
Legendary Weapon ScrollLegendary Weapon Scroll (1)


Craftsman's Axe is not currently used in any quests.