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Death Priests are the servants of Hel in Niffelheim. They send the player quests and demands.


The Death Priests send the player several tutorial quests in the beginning of the game. The quests are accepted automatically and have no time limits.

No. Name Request Reward Description
1 Woodcutter Quest TimberTimber (3)
Copper AxeCopper Axe (1)
The Mistress of the Dead Lands has turned her gaze on you, warrior. Bring her joy with new victory! Collect TimberTimber x3 and we shall reward you greatly...

2 Hunter Quest Rabbit HideRabbit Hide (2)
Hunter's HarnessHunter's Harness (1)
The Mistress of the Dead Lands has turned her gaze on you, warrior. Bring her joy with new victory! Collect Rabbit HideRabbit Hide x2 and we shall reward you greatly...

3 Gatherer Quest HoneyHoney (5)
Frog CharmFrog Charm (1)
The Mistress of the Dead Lands has turned her gaze on you, warrior. Bring her joy with new victory! Collect HoneyHoney x5 and we shall reward you greatly...


The Death Priests will occasionally send the player Ultimatums, demanding the player to craft and deliver them an offering in a set time limit. The time limit for each Ultimatum is 24 minutes.

If the player fails to deliver the requested item in time the Death Priests will send the horde of skeletons to attack the player's Castle.

No. Name Request Time Limit Description
1 Ultimatum of the Death Priests Humble Offering for the Death PriestsHumble Offering for the Death Priests (1)
24 min Warrior! The lords of Temple City demand proof of your loyalty! Sacrifice Humble Offering for the Death PriestsHumble Offering for the Death Priests at once to show your devotion. If you decline, or fail to deliver in time, we will destroy your domain!

2 Ultimatum of the Death Priests Offering for the Death PriestsOffering for the Death Priests (1)
24 min Warrior! The lords of Temple City demand proof of your loyalty! Sacrifice Offering for the Death PriestsOffering for the Death Priests at once to show your devotion. If you decline, or fail to deliver in time, we will destroy your domain!

3 Ultimatum of the Death Priests Grand Offering for the Death PriestsGrand Offering for the Death Priests (1)
24 min Warrior! The lords of Temple City demand proof of your loyalty! Sacrifice Grand Offering for the Death PriestsGrand Offering for the Death Priests x at once to show your devotion. If you decline, or fail to deliver in time, we will destroy your domain!